About My Freedom Flame

What started off as a fitness blog has turned to the political realm. On My Freedom Flame, it’s my mission to educate the masses on several essential issues affecting our freedom today and what it means for our future.

My Freedom Flame will combine historical issues facing America and how they’ve impacted us as a society today. If you’re into libertarian-based views regarding US Foreign Policy, the FBI, the CIA, auditing and ending the Federal Reserve Bank, false flags, truths about national surveillance, and much more, you’ve come to the right place.

At My Freedom Flame, I believe true patriotism entails loving your country enough to call it out when it violates it’s own Constitution, which has happened several times throughout the last century.

I’m not looking to put an end to these issues, as one individual is unable to do this alone. I’m looking to educate you to the best of my ability on the biggest issues facing America today.

8 thoughts on “About My Freedom Flame

  1. Sounds good. Another thing: I know that some sources of information have little to no credibility with their reporting. That being said, do you have any news sources that you prohibit references to, or, at the very least, frown upon personally?


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